This is a tough post to write. Today August 18, 2013 a great woman and my mom passed away in the early morning hours. She was surrounded by her sons and daughter-in-laws who were taking care of her since she became ill several weeks ago. Mom had been diagnosed with lung cancer – stage IV over 3 years ago – not long after dad passed. Due to new medications (targeted drugs and some “Indian remedies”) she had a good quality of life for ~ 3 years after having been diagnosed.
Mom developed fluid in the lungs a couple months ago and had been suffering since then. She was a real trooper through the whole nasty process. Cancer tried to make her something other than what she was – a true, beautiful Christian lady who cherished and nurtured her family with her love and caring. Cancer was the looser in that battle.
She prepared everything in advance knowing what was to come. The end did not come smoothly but mom dealt with it with grace and Gods (and I am sure my dad’s) help. She is with dad now and forever in our hearts – may God bless you mom – you were the ambassador of the family and a great mom who was always there for me. You will be dearly missed. I look forward to being with you again.
A word of wisdom from Mom “Aging is a process when the clock goes around faster than you can keep up with it !†|
posted by Gregory Borsinger at 1:57 pm
Dr Guido Borsinger died today February 2nd 2010 on his 94th birthday. My Dad was a great father and loved by many. He painstakingly wrote the ABOUT section of the Borsinger.com site that highlights several hundred years of the Borsinger family.
Dad died of cancer that caused him much pain and discomfort for the past 1 -1/2 years. The end was very peaceful and he now can look down upon all of us with that well known Borsinger stare.
May God be with you Dad – Love your son.

The Best Father a Son could ask for
posted by Gregory Borsinger at 7:54 pm
I received the following from Joseph Borsinger – I never met him but my dad has communicated with him for years and has tracked some of the geneology baack to Borsingers who apparently left Prussia back in the 1500’s for the New World. Anyway here is what Joseph has to say:
‘My family resides in Elgin, Illinois and South Elgin, Illinois, I live in Champaign, Illinois.  ……. My parents lived in Valley Stream, N.Y             Glad there are plenty of Borsinger’s around Guido has communiated with my Family for years and he knows Joe & Serine Borsinger Family . I am his son and wish to add to the family names of Borsinger. My daughter Carol Jo had twins, Logan Thomas and Claire Suzanne, 12 years old and my daughter never married and kept the Borsinger name therefore my grandson Logan Thomas will carry the Borsinger name on.
Have a Healthy & Happy New Year
 Joe Alan Borsinger’
posted by Gregory Borsinger at 3:33 pm