In Switzerland you are citizen of a town where in many instances the town pays for your birth and your death including the grave, supplies wood for your heating the house etc. and keeps your family registry. We have the book with the name, crest and history of the families of the town of Baden, where we are citizens. However, growing up I found so much more about our families past, which I thought should be preserved for generations to come. We have a baptismal book starting in 1842 started with a Maria Vera Heer, born Steigmeier of Klingnau, the mother of Josepha Heer (1813-72), wife of Carl (1921-52). We have a publication about the Swiss hotelier families. At about the age of 12 during my vacations at the Schoeneck I met Father Jodok Rigert from Sarnen, a priest saying mass at the St. Anna chapel for the guests, who told me: I just received an 800 page diary written by father Johannes Evangelist Borsinger OSB which he wrote after Abbott Gerald from the monastery of Muri was expelled from Switzerland, the monastery being closed, and he accompanied him together with other members of the Curia through southern Germany,Austria into Moravia, where they founded a new monastery in Gries. I received a copy of a letter father Johannes Evangelista received from his sister in Baden.
On another occasion when I visited my granduncle Pater Norbert at the Archives of the monastery in Einsiedeln, he pointed to a portrait in his studio of Pater Phillip Borsinger, and he gave me all he had about him in the Archives, which I wrote down and kept it in my files. When visiting relatives in Baden, Gertrud Jann gave me the diary of Mathilda Borsinger-Mueller. From the Ledergerbers I received the diary of Nannette Borsinger-Rohn, both written in the old Gothic German handwriting (which I learned during my first 3 years of school). I copied them fully on my typewriter and gave the original back to its owners in about 1945-47 together with photographs, the oldest from about 1860 still on glass, of which I had copies made by a good photographer in Zug. I had a negative from my parents wedding picture, which my maternal grandfather took, and in my darkroom in Stony Point I made enlargements of so many of my relatives which could be used for the Chronik. I brought all my material with me to the USA, translated it into English, and brought the originals back to my brother Mario. He did some of his own studies, especially in Zurich and for my mother’s 85.birthday in 1975 produced the large size family tree and 8 volumes of the “Borsinger Chronik”. Since then Jo and I have done more researched, especially about the Borsinger's in the USA, who’s name Jo found in the Telephone book, but also on our visit to the Tuerlersee and the former Borsikon, where we met Mr.Benninger, who later wrote an excellent article about Borsikon and the Borsinger's. I am continuing some researched, especially that now with the Internet more Borsinger names have appeared, and at years end I write down it’s events.